The Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement officers who enjoy riding motorcycles. In the Spring of 1974, several law enforcement officers* from the Bangor, Maine (USA) area met and and formed a small, local motorcycle club. Soon, Blue Knight chapters were being formed in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and beyond. With the addition of Canada, and later Australia, the Blue Knights became an international organization.

Our charitable organization has contributed over $16.5 million dollars toward various charities throughout the world. We have 637 chapters with over 20,400 members, within 25 countries and we are growing each day.

Our Pledge – “As a Blue Knight, I pledge to act with honor and pride to promote motorcycling and motorcycle safety by being an example of the safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles. I will work at all times to improve the relationship between the motorcycling law enforcement community and the general public. The fraternal spirit will always guide me in relating to other Blue Knights.”

According to the By-Laws, our purposes and goals are to: 

  1. Provide for the mutual assistance, enjoyment, entertainment, education, physical, mental and social benefit of its members and the general public.
  2. To promote and advance the sport of motorcycling and the safety of motorcycling.
  3. To serve the interests of motorcycle owners and users.
  4. To promote by example and any other acceptable means, safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles.
  5. To develop a fraternal spirit between law enforcement personnel and the general public.

Being a Blue Knight is all this and much, much more.

The Blue Knights® is a family fraternity. Spouses and children often accompany our members to the various rides and functions. When travelling, local members can provide assistance, directions and sometimes a place to stay. We are truly a family.

Among the Blue Knight members,
There are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met yet.

Message from the President

Message from the President

Ernie Morgan - President Alabama VII

Thank you for taking the time to visit the website for the Blue Knights Alabama VII in Huntsville, Alabama.  If you are an active or retired law enforcement official, civilian or military, and enjoy riding motorcycles, then the Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club may be for you.
Alabama VII is a family-oriented law enforcement motorcycle club.  We currently have 33 members who regularly go for group rides and enjoy social activities together.  Our chapter is made up of officials from city, county, state, and federal law enforcement organizations.   We share a common interest in riding motorcycles.  If this interests you please don’t hesitate to contact me or one of the other Directors listed to find out more about becoming a member of the greatest law enforcement motorcycle club in the world.  Rank has no privileges in the Blue Knights Alabama VII.  We are all the same, enjoying each other’s company and riding experiences.  As the Blue Knights motto says, “There are no strangers in the Blue Knights, only friends you haven’t met.”  I look forward to meeting you.  “Ride With Pride” Alabama VII.
Ernie Morgan

The Biker’s Creed

  • I ride because it is fun.
  • I ride because I enjoy the freedom I feel from being exposed to the elements, and the vulnerability to the danger that is intrinsic to riding.
  • I do not ride because it is fashionable to do so.
  • I ride my machine, not wear it. My machine is not a symbol of status. It exists simply for me, and me alone.
  • My machine is not a toy. It is an extension of my being, and I will treat it accordingly, with the same respect as I have for myself.
  • I strive to understand the inner-workings of my machine, from the most basic to the most complex.
  • I will learn everything I can about my machine, so that I am reliant upon no one but myself for its health and well being.
  • I strive to constantly better my skill of control over my machine. I will learn its limits, and use my skill to become one with my machine so that we may keep each other alive. I am the master, it is the servant. Working together in harmony, we will become an invincible team.
  • I do not fear death. I will, however, do all possible to avoid death prematurely. Fear is the enemy, not death. Fear on the highway leads to death, therefore I will not let fear be my master. I will master it.
  • My machines will outlive me. Therefore, they are my legacy. I will care for them for future bikers to cherish as I have cherished them, whoever they may be.
  • I do not ride to gain attention, respect, or fear from those that do NOT ride, nor do I wish to intimidate or annoy them. For those that do not know me, all I wish from them is to ignore me. For those that desire to know me, I will share with them the truth of myself, so that they might understand me and not fear others like me.
  • I will never be the aggressor on the highway. However, should others mess with me, their aggression will be dealt with in as severe manner as I can cast upon them.
  • I will show respect to other bikers more experienced or knowledgeable than I am. I will learn from them all I can. However, if my respect is not acknowledged or appreciated, it will end.
  • I will not show disrespect to other bikers less experienced or knowledgeable than I am. I will teach them what I can. However, if they show me disrespect, they will be slapped.
  • It will be my task to mentor new riders, that so desire, into the lifestyle of the biker, so that the breed shall continue. I shall instruct them, as I have been instructed by those before me. I shall preserve and honor traditions of bikers before me, and I will pass them on unaltered.
  • I will not judge other bikers on their choice of machine, their appearance, or their profession. I will judge them only on their conduct as bikers. I am proud of my accomplishments as a biker, though I will not flaunt them to others. If they ask, I will share them.
  • I will stand ready to help any other biker that truly needs my help.
  • I will never ask another biker to do for me what I can do for myself.
  • I am not a part-time biker. I am a biker when, and where ever I go. I am proud to be a biker, and hide my chosen lifestyle from no one. I ride because I love freedom, independence, and the movement of the ground beneath me. But most of all, I ride to better understand myself, my machine, the lands in which I ride, and to seek out and know other bikers like myself.

